

Professor & Chair Computer Science

Assistant Chair

Associate Professor Computer Science

Assistant Chair

Chief Departmental Advisor

Senior Lecturer Computer Science

Undergraduate Program Director

Senior Lecturer & University Distinguished Teacher Computer Science

Graduate Program Director – MS

Associate Professor Computer Science

Graduate Program Director – PhD

Graduate Program Director – Admissions

Professor Computer Science

Director of Computer Resources

Dir, Comp Res, Comp Sci Dept Computer Science

Office Manager


Professor Es Computer Science
Senior Lecturer & University Distinguished Teacher Computer Science
Assistant Professor Computer Science
Lecturer Computer Science
Assistant Professor Computer Science
Professor Computer Science
Lecturer Academic Affairs
Senior Lecturer Computer Science
Assistant Professor Computer Science
Senior Lecturer Computer Science
Professor Computer Science
Assistant Professor Academic Affairs
Centennial Prof & Director Research & Economic Development
Senior Lecturer Computer Science
Professor & Chair Computer Science
Prof, Chief Scientist, Dep Dir & Eminent Scholar Academic Affairs
Assistant Professor Computer Science
Lecturer Computer Science
Professor Computer Science
Lecturer Academic Affairs
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Academic Affairs
Professor Computer Science
Lecturer Computer Science
Assistant Professor Computer Science
Lecturer Academic Affairs
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor Computer Science
Senior Lecturer Computer Science
Associate Professor Computer Science
Professor Computer Science

Office Staff

Fiscal Technician Computer Science
Graduate Program Assistant Computer Science

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Instructional Faculty Continuing Education
Adjunct Instructional Faculty Computer Science
Adjunct Instructional Faculty College of Sciences
Dir, Comp Res, Comp Sci Dept Computer Science
Adjunct Instructional Faculty Computer Science
Higher Ed Teach Res Asst Chemistry & Biochemistry
Adjunct Instructional Faculty Computer Science
Adjunct Instructional Faculty Computer Science

Faculty Emeritus

Name Title
Levinstein, Irwin B.
(Ph.D., Chicago, 1973)
Associate Professor
Overstreet, C. Michael
(Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1982)
Associate Professor
Toida, Shunichi
(Ph.D., Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1969)
Wild, Christian J.
(Ph.D., Rutgers, 1977)
Associate Professor
Wilson, Larry W.
(Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1971)
Associate Professor
Kurt, Maly
(Ph.D., New York University, 1973)
Kaufman Professor and Eminent Scholar Emeritus

In Memoriam

Name Joined as Faculty Deceased
Abdel-Wahab, Hussein
(Ph.D., University of Waterloo, 1976)
February 1980 December 2016
Shen, Stewart N. T.
January 1981 September 2016